News list for " druk"

The Royal Government of Bhutan transferred approximately 406 bitcoins to QCP Capital

According to Arkham's monitoring, the Royal Government of Bhutan (Druk Holdings) address transferred about 406 bitcoins to QCP Capital's WBTC merchant deposit account 17 minutes ago, with a total value of about $40 million.

2024-12-09 11:04:36
不丹王国政府向 QCP Capital 转移约 406 枚比特币

据 Arkham 监测,不丹王国政府(Druk Holdings)地址 17 分钟前向 QCP Capital 的 WBTC 商户存款账户转移了约 406 枚比特币,总价值约 4000 万美元。

2024-12-09 11:04:36